Paul that is in charge of organizing these holidays, is English and has lived in Almeria for over forty years will help you with anything you need, he has managed Holiday Properties in Roquetas de Mar with C.M.S for over thirty years and can find you self catering properties if you wish. Ask him for any information, like Transport from the airport, Rental Cars, Restaurants, etc. He obviously speaks English, fluent Spanish and a bit of German. His office is in Roquetas de Mar, the biggest tourist resort in the Province of Almeria.
Mercedes was raised right here in Roquetas and grew up riding horses bareback on the beach. For the past 30 years she was living in the US where she rode English, Western and even some Polo. Before coming back to Roquetas she worked as a trail guide in Tennessee. She speaks English, German, Spanish and some French. You will mostly see her welcoming new riders, helping around the stables and often coming along on our excursions as a guide and translator.